Chicago Title offers a Colorado Home Buyer's Guide booklet, which shares the step-by-step process for home buyers in Colorado.
Contact me to get a professionally bound Colorado Home Buyer's Guide. They cost $5 per booklet.
Pick up your copy of "The Colorado Home Buyer's Guide, A Step By Step Process".
This is perfect if you're a real estate agent or a lender. This might be valuable for you. These are professionally bound created books.
They're 25 pages, created by Chicago Title, us here in Colorado. What's great about these is they're gonna be perfect for your clients, for your buyers, something that they should look at, maybe you can present to them, you can read through them, or just give to them.
It might be valuable. You can take a look at the PDF version by actually just scanning this QR code right here or going to this link, and you can actually take a look at the PDF version.
Check this out, if you'd like to get a copy, a professionally bound copy, reach out to me, they're $5. If you'd like access to other valuable real estate tools, resources, marketing ideas for your real estate business, visit my website, Sign up for my video email newsletters.
If you'd like this book, DM me, contact me, happy to help, hope this was helpful. And I'll see you in the next video.